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June, 2004


In This Issue

  NSA Professional Member

  Sedona, AZ  

 My Birthday


  "Ah-Ha" Moments

  Father Leo Booth Events

  Hey Baby, What's Your Sign?


  Upcoming Events

  Jackie's Offer

  Jackie's Request

  Give the Gift of Coaching

Instead of seeing the rug being pulled from

under us, we can learn to dance on a shifting carpet.”     ~ Thomas Crum

I've missed all of you! It's been awhile since I've sent one of

these newsletters out. You probably deserved a break after

being bombarded in April with the Father Leo events, which

were a success! Since then, my energy has been dedicated to

exciting adventures that I want to share with you. Here

are some highlights:


NSA Member

In March, I applied and was accepted as a Professional Member of

the National Speakers Association. This happened with the gentle prodding of my Mastermind group and others.

Not wasting any time, I traveled to the headquarters in Tempe, AZ at the end of April to participate in a Presentation Skills Lab,

The Best of the Best...

Achieve Greater Levels of Mastery on the Platform.

In this interactive environment with truly amazing people I learned valuable tips on presence, pausing, storytelling, participation, persuasion

and humor. I was able to practice my material, receive feedback and begin to uncover my uniqueness as a speaker who talks about creating awareness in conversations, wellness, intuition, connection, perception and mindfulness.

Looking for a speaker?

Contact Jackie for more information about her presentations.

Jackie's known for her balanced combination of energy, substance, intuition, enthusiasm, creative thinking, interaction, humor, sincerity

and compassion.

She enhances people's awareness to expand the possibilities and create desired outcomes in their daily conversations.

Her goal is to assist individuals and organizations to:

Improve their ability to connect


Remove obstacles

Create professionalism

Believe and trust in themselves

Embrace uncertainty

Increase personal well-being

Be more effective


Sedona, AZ

At the close of this 3 day learning event, I got in my cool, white rental car and drove 2 hours north to Sedona - a breathtaking, magical, mystical place.

In addition to being beautiful and serene, Sedona has long been known as a spiritual power center,

a spiritual Disneyland.

I explored the main energy vortexes by car, foot and horse. And in the process became uplifted and spiritualized!


It provided some much needed solitude to get in touch with what's important. What better place to quiet my thoughts than in the beauty of nature.




I'll be honest, committing to this trip to AZ was initially way out of my comfort zone. Exactly one of the reasons it felt right! One step after another of trusting the universe and embracing the uncertainties of life.


Uncertainty and stretching

yourself a little farther than

you thought possible is scary.

It's also when you grow

the most.

How can you stretch and

challenge yourself with the unknown?


My Birthday

I returned to Wisconsin on the eve of a very significant birthday (I'll let you guess which one). I resisted the strong urge to go into catch up mode. Instead, I slept in, went for a stroll, read a book on beauty in the hammock, went for a Harley ride with my brother, spent time with friends and family, and ate pizza. Everyday should be like this or at least every once in a while!



The last few weeks have

been spent creating,

editing and reediting my chapter on Perception that I'm writing for a very

exciting book. Creating Workplace Community:  Motivation is due out in August which means that I'm officially a published author!

It contains tons of insight

for solutions, ideas and philosophies for motivating

ourselves and others.

Some of the chapters are: Perception, Values, Goals, Environment, Leadership, Mentoring, Engagement, Empowerment, and Communication.


Contact Jackie


“Ah-Ha” Moments

The amazing synchronicity I'm sharing with you this time around

happened in Sedona of all places (imagine that). I thought you'd get

a kick out of hearing this one.

I arrived on a Sunday afternoon and went hiking until it got too dark.

My next mission was to find a place to stay. I checked a couple hotels before deciding to spend the night at the glamorous Hampton Inn.

Upon getting settled, I called my husband to let him know I was still alive (some were worried about this). He asked what my number was.

I looked down at the phone and began reading it to him. Amazingly, the last 4 digits were the same as Whole Life Visions, 715-421-4700. Gasp! If you don't believe me - here's the proof:

Father Leo Booth Events

Thanks again to those of you who attended the Father Leo Events in April at the Hotel Mead. What a powerful experience!

Much gratitude to Father

Leo and the staff at Spiritual Concepts - Anna Woo and Kien Lamb.

A little secret...

We couldn't leave town without first stopping at the Dairy State Cheese Factory in Rudolph.

Is it possible to have an addiction to Wisconsin cheese?

Thanks to the Sponsors:

Stoiber HealthCare, S.C.

Chiropractic ~ Medical Care ~ Physical Therapy

Dr. Dave, Dr. Pat, Dr. John & Dr. Almonte

Wisconsin Rapids, WI


Health Studio, LLC ~ Nearest To Nature; Essence of Cleopatra

Joanne Keyzer

Wisconsin Rapids, WI


Family Natural Foods & Rapids Feed & Supply Co.

Working with Nature!

Frank & Michael Hittner

Wisconsin Rapids, WI


Heaven In A Handbasket ~ Artfully Crafted Gift Baskets

Deb Kreb

Stevens Point, WI


Nature's Path ~ Walk the Stress Relieving Path to Reflexology

Echo Keller

Wisconsin Rapids, WI


Inner Peace Day Spa, LLC ~ Full Service Day Spa

Ellen Estes & Pat Bodette

Wisconsin Rapids, WI



Hey Baby, What's Your Sign?  

Signs of Suffering

Hate what’s happening

Focus on what’s wrong

Hold breath

Respond how you always respond

Clench teeth


Worry incessantly

Defend your point of view

Be stuck


Hurry to the next thing


Signs of Well-Being

Appreciate what’s happening

Notice what's working


Notice habitual pattern

Relax another part of your body

Do something different


Speak intentionally

Notice Sensations

Open heart

Be willing to feel the truth

(Taken from the Soul Support Book by Deb Koffman)



There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this

world than for bread.”     ~ Mother Teresa


I would like to genuinely express my appreciation to the people

and organizations who I've connected with in the past couple months. Thank you!

WI Rural Leadership Program - Connie Loden & JoAnn Stormer

Heart of WI - Progress Initiative - Keep up the great work!

Innovative Leadership Australia - David Buerle

Hotel Mead - John & I are SUPERSTARS! Pay close attention to

their commercial.

University of WI-Stevens Point Extension - Sue Gunderson

Stoiber HealthCare - Dr. Dave & Dr. Pat

City of WI Rapids - Beth Bakunowicz & Dawn Desourcy

NSA - Here's to new friendships!


Upcoming Events - Click Here


Website Updates Coming Soon!


Jackie's Offer

As a life and business coach, empowering speaker, insightful consultant and author, Jackie enhances people’s awareness to

expand the possibilities and create desired outcomes in their daily


Her goal is to assist individuals and organizations to improve their ability to connect with others, communicate, remove obstacles,

create professionalism, believe and trust in themselves, embrace

uncertainty, increase personal well-being and be more effective.

Jackie has extensive experience in health and wellness businesses and initiatives, organizational needs assessment and performance improvement.

She’s known for her balanced combination of energy, substance, intuition, enthusiasm, creative thinking, interaction, humor, sincerity and compassion.


She partners with all types of people and organizations. Her clients are mainly leaders and anyone committed to bringing results, openness, vision, passion and spirit into their life or workplace.


According to her coaching clients, she offers a simple, safe place to reflect, explore and move toward their vision – in any area of their life or business.


Jackie's Request

My request is that you'll be an advocate for me and the services I provide. I value your assistance and appreciate your support. I’m very grateful to those of you who have referred coaching clients, speaking engagements and consulting opportunities my way.    


I would be honored to share this information with you and others. So, don’t hesitate to invite me to come to your next staff meeting or social gathering. 

Do you know someone else who would enjoy the Whole Life Visions Newsletter? Please forward this on or refer them to to sign up. Remember to keep the information intact, including the contact information. Thanks!



Give the Gift of Coaching

Give the people that are important to you the opportunity to achieve all that they want in life. Give them a gift certificate to get started with a coach to guide them on their journey.



Thank you for joining me to create the life you love and live the life you create! I enjoy sharing and receiving the gifts of this exciting community.


Create a great day,


                                                                                          (Volume 2, Issue 3)



Jackie Bredl-Dietrich, CHES, PCC
Life & Business Coach, Speaker, Consultant & Author
P.O. Box 1101, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495



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